Le Lapin Blanc Vit

Support for your journey

Why choose this report?

This is more than just a report - it’s a tool for self-discovery & growth. We consider the reports to be perfect for those seeking clarity, navigating life’s challenges or, 'exploring' their personal goals.
The pathway to a "Reflective Experience".

Rooted in psychological frameworks (the theory), the reports encourage thoughtful exploration and empowers you
to make intentional decisions.
Three Individual
"Symbol Insights".

Each symbol is explained in detail, highlighting its universal meaning and personalized interpretation
based on your question.
A "Collective Perspective" of the imagery.

A synthesis of all three symbols which helps provide a deeper understanding of their interplay when brought together in a report.

Our Story

"Nosce Te Ipsum, Temet Nosce." "thine own self know"
For over thirty years, we’ve been guiding individuals through self-reflective experiences using both tarot imagery and the Futhark runes. We focus upon helping you to create a space for introspection and clarity, offering a chance to connect with your questions through thoughtful exploration.

Why work with us

Exploring the symbolism and psychological insights behind the tarot images provides a unique opportunity for you to pause, reflect, and gain valuable perspectives on the questions that matter to you. If you would like to read more about this please read 'The Theory'. In a world that can often feel overwhelming, taking a moment to centre yourself around a question — before making any decisions — can bring the clarity and focus needed to move forward with confidence. It has been suggested that the tarot should be viewed as a mirror, not a window. Instead of suggesting predicted outcomes or, offering answers from an external source, the mirror may provide you with a path to reflective insights which may help you consider your actions and motivations. The mirror encourages you to look inward, visualizing possible outcomes based on your current choices. The process is designed to empower you to gain clarity and self-understanding, guiding you toward a more informed perspective on the path you chose for yourself. Using the tarot imagery in this manner may be the spark that helps you on your journey, or it may simply provide the reflection of your thoughts that inspires you to consider further, before your next decision. We are delighted that you are interested in working with us on your your journey of self discovery. For your own protection and understanding, before ordering a report, please familiarise yourself with our 'Terms and Conditions of Use', 'Privacy Policy', 'Returns Policy', 'Shipping and Payment Info'.

Settle comfortably,
take a few deep, slow breaths
and then pause....... then read.

Take time to reflect, uncover hidden insights, and move forward with confidence. Profitez du voyage!